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5 posts tagged with "Automatic severity assessment"

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AUAS7: the game-changing outcome measure for Urticaria

· 9 min read
Taig Mac Carthy
Co-founder at Legit.Health
Alfonso Medela
CAIO at Legit.Health
Ruben Garcia Castro
Ruben Garcia Castro
Antonio Martorell
Antonio Martorell
Dermatologists and Medical Lead at Legit.Health


The future of measuring urticaria is now within hands reach. Measuring the score of urticaria and hives is easier and more reliable than ever thanks to Legit.Health's revolutionary AUAS (Automatic Urticaria Activity Score). The researchers have developed a tool that processes smartphone images and automatically analyses them using the same criteria as the UAS7.

Is widely known that objective, reliable, and precise outcome measures are key to the practice of evidence-based medicine. The UAS7 has proven to have the best measurement properties and is the most recommended for use in clinical trials when considering urticaria.

Explanation of Hives Identification

Explanation of how the artificial intelligence identifies hives in urticaria images.

Are Legit.Health's algorithms scientifically validated?

· 8 min read
Alfonso Medela
CAIO at Legit.Health
Ricardo Ruiz
Ricardo Ruiz
Director at Clínica Dermatológica Internacional
Antonio Martorell
Antonio Martorell
Dermatologists and Medical Lead at Legit.Health
Jose Luiz Lopez Estebaranz
Jose Luiz Lopez Estebaranz
Dermatologist MD PhD
Taig Mac Carthy
Co-founder at Legit.Health
Ramón Grimalt
Ramón Grimalt
Dermatologist and associate professor

Legit.Health has been clinically validated in various healthcare settings by leading specialists in their fields. Our technology has demonstrated its effectiveness in enhancing diagnosis and follow-up, with specific studies focused on certain pathologies to assess sensitivity and precision.

Several of these studies are published in prestigious journals within dermatology, with others in varying stages of publication. Furthermore, we also provide clinical evidence during the process of certification as a medical device, some of which have not been made publicly available.

You can find a full list of our scientific evidente in the Validation section of our website.

Clinical validation

Find out everything about our clinical validation process and our scientific evidence, including publications, congress presentations, and clinical trials.


The following Gantt chart shows the roadmap of our clinical validation activities. Our commitment to advancing the state of the art motivates us to continuously expand our research.

Doctor burnout: 6 simple ways Legit.Health helps reduce it

· 10 min read
Andy Anguilar
CEO at Legit.Health


In the healthcare sector, a silent but pervasive challenge impacts the well-being of those at the frontline of patient care. This challenge is doctor burnout, a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress in the medical profession. The repercussions of doctor burnout extend beyond the healthcare providers; they also affect the quality of care received by patients.

Doctor Burnout

At Legit.Health, we recognize the critical importance of supporting healthcare professionals. Our dedication to enhancing the lives of doctors and patients is reflected in our advanced artificial intelligence technology. Designed to streamline clinical workflows, our AI tools aim to alleviate the daily pressures faced by physicians, promoting a more sustainable work environment and better patient outcomes.

Traditional consultation
8 medical acts per hour

Doctor consultation

With Legit.Health
52 medical acts per hour

Doctor remote

Automatic Urticaria Activity Score (AUAS): A Novel Technology for Urticaria Severity Assessment Based on Automatic High-Precision Hive Counting

· 6 min read
Taig Mac Carthy
Co-founder at Legit.Health
Alfonso Medela
CAIO at Legit.Health
Ruben Garcia Castro
Ruben Garcia Castro
Antonio Martorell
Antonio Martorell
Dermatologists and Medical Lead at Legit.Health

This post is a summary of a scientific publication published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology (JID) Innovations. We encourage you to read the whole publication, which is embedded below.

We invite you to read the full paper for yourself, or you can scroll down to read the summary in this educational blog post.

Mac Carthy, T., Hernández Montilla, I., Aguilar, A., García Castro, R., González Pérez, A. M., Vilas Sueiro, A., Vergara de la Campa, L., Alfageme, F., & Medela, A. (2024). Automatic Urticaria Activity Score: Deep Learning-Based Automatic Hive Counting for Urticaria Severity Assessment. In JID Innovations (Vol. 4, Issue 1, p. 100218). Elsevier BV.

Telemedicine: 5 great challenges of implementing it

· 7 min read



In recent years, society as a whole has started to get used to the inevitability of a fully digital world embedding itself in all aspects of life, including healthcare.

And although there are many benefits the applied practice of telemedicine brings, there are also challenges to overcome before we can start to reap the benefits of this novel way of understanding healthcare.