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Andy Anguilar

This renowned competition helps encourage projects in the healthcare sector and reminds us of the need to support innovation, very important in times of crisis and pandemia

Quality Innovation Award

The prestigious competition created in 2007 by Excellence Finland to promote innovative projects in companies and organizations, has awarded the startup Legit.Health with the Quality Innovation Award 2021 at the national level. A competition coordinated by the National Association of Excellence promotion Centers -CEX to give local and international recognition to the most innovative projects. Euskalit is one of the members of the Quality Innovation Award Committee, and in the local phase, it has the collaboration of Innobasque and Unibasq for the dissemination and evaluation of the candidatures.

Is the first time that a basque startup has been chosen in the health category, where all innovations aimed at the health sector are awarded. Legit.Health has been recognized for being a software for prevention, diagnosis, severity measurement and automatic monitoring of chronic and malignant skin diseases with artificial intelligence and computer vision algorithms.

Do you want to see the clinical AI technology in action?

The innovative technology developed by Legit.Health is able to facilitate the work of doctors, helping them to provide better treatment to their patients. As Taig Mac Carthy, Co-founder of Legit.Health and regular patient of skin diseases, says: "We believe that technology should always be at the service of humans. That's why we use AI and computer vision algorithms to help doctors reach where they can't "

Winners from previous years include organisations such as Osakidetza, the Basque health service, for its work in health innovation. In addition to this, there are other categories in the competition: innovations in the public sector, innovations in the education sector, innovations approaches, innovation in micro-enterprises or startups and innovations in large companies.

We believe that the best algorithm is the doctor, that's why Legit.Health is a clinical decision support tool. Our diagnostic algorithm never replace the doctor, but rather provide them with valuable information to make a decision.

Legit.Health was born with the aim of improving the lives of patients and doctors. Its founders, 4 young people with chronic skin diseases, have created an application capable of detecting skin cancer through a simple photograph taken with a mobile phone. This technology increases doctors' correct diagnoses and provides them with the necessary tools they need to help their patients. A pioneering technology that is already being used in several hospitals such as Cruces and Basurto Hospitals in Bizkaia.

A system capable of assisting doctors in the diagnosis and indicating how serious the pathology is. Filling in automatically, and with a millimetric precision, the tedious measurement scales. However, as Andy Aguilar, CEO of Legit.Health and patient of several skin diseases, comment: "This technology never replaces the doctor but provides valuable information to make a decision"

Do you want to see the clinical AI technology in action?

About Legit.Health

Legit.Health is a communication tool between doctors and patients that uses artificial intelligence and computer vision algorithms to help diagnose and monitor visible skin diseases. Its technology automates routine and administrative tasks to help doctors focus on what's most important:the patient.

The algorithms designed by Legit.Health are able to score automatically, and through a simple photograph, most medical grading systems such as PASI, SCORAD, UAS, GAGS and many more dermatological grading systems.

The automatization of these scoring systems not only helps doctors and empowers the patient, but adds alayer of objectivity that was impossible until now. This technology helps dermatologists provide quicker diagnoses than the traditional way, reducing doctors' workloadby allowing them to estimate the severity of the pathology quickly and objectively.

A platform capable of making a clinical diagnosis and an estimation of the severity of the pathologies. In short, an application designed to help doctors reach where they can't reach. And give them all the keys they need to help them help their patients.

About Quality Innovation Award

The Quality Innovation Award (QIA) it's a competition created in 2007 to stimulate the emergence development of product innovations and processes innovations. The common goal of all members is to help increase the competitiveness of participating organizations and countries.

In 2017, CEX (National Association of Excellence promotion Centers) was approved to join the group of entities that manage the Quality Innovation Award (QIA). Of which organizations promoting quality, excellence and innovation from numerous countries including Finland, Spain, Estonia, Hungary, Israel, and others.

This Quality Innovation Award (QIA) is annual and enables innovators to get a professional assessment for their innovation, benchmark their innovation against others and increase the visibility of their innovation.

Get access now

This free 23-day trial of Legit.Health gives clinics and hospitals a hands-on look at how to drive increased adherence and improve patient outcomes, as well as improving efficiency and overall quality of life.
