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Add a new patient

Roles with permissions

The following roles can add a new patient:

  • Administrator
  • Chief of service
  • General practitioner
  • Specialist
  • Nursing staff
  • Admisions staff

Step-by-step guide to adding a new patient

To add a new patient, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Patients section of the application.
  2. Locate the Add button at the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the Add button to open the patient registration form.
  4. Complete all required fields in the form. Be sure to provide accurate information.
  5. Once all required information is entered, click Add to save the patient's data. If this step is skipped, the patient's data will not be saved.

Sending login details to the patient

If you provide the patient's email and/or phone number during registration, a login invitation will be sent automatically. This invitation will include a Confirm Legit.Health account button. When the patient clicks this button, they will be prompted to create a password.

After the patient sets their password, they can access the application using their email and password via the following link: https://app.legit.health/login.


Ensure the email provided is unique to maintain the confidentiality of communications within the application.


As soon as the email and/or phone number are added to the patient's information, the patient will receive an email with instructions to access the application.

Patient access and report visibility

The information accessible to the patient will depend on the data entered by the practitioner and the configuration settings of the medical centre.