How to use the app
These instructions are specific to the interface available at the URL Keep in mind that Legit.Health's ecosystem is rich in plafforms and services, so the instructions may vary depending on the platform you are using.
Browse the knowledge base
🗃️ Workflows
3 items
📄️ Add a new patient
Roles with permissions
📄️ Add a new practitioner
Roles with permissions
📄️ Refer a patient
Roles with permissions
📄️ Roles and specialties
This section outlines the roles and specialties available within the application.
📄️ Find pending cases for a patient
Practitioners can track the diagnostic reports for a specific patient that have not yet been reviewed. This enables healthcare professionals to ensure that all necessary diagnostic reports reviewed in a timely manner.
📄️ When do patients receive emails?
This article provides an overview of the circumstances under which patients receive emails from the app after certain actions are performed by a practitioner.